Monday, September 29, 2014

Amazing Seafood in Landlocked Colorado

Since I live off of South Federal, I have a plethora of Asian markets offering up all types of seafood.  The problem is that most of this seafood is frozen.  Yes, it's cheap and plentiful, but its usually frozen.  Now there are places like Pacific Ocean Market and Tri-Ocean, where a person can get live Tilapia, Dungeness crab and oysters.  They also offer interesting things like Conch, Periwinkles and occasionally Blue crab.  If Blue crab is your thing.....being from the West Coast, I admit I DO NOT get Blue crab.  Seems like a HUGE amount of shell with not much crab meat reward.  But anyway.....

Now these places on Federal will certainly sell my white American butt some funky, long-past-prime seafood without hesitation.  New Saigon Market on Federal and Mississippi USED to be my Asian market of choice.  Until I bought a Red Snapper that I didn't quite sniff and examine as much as I should have.  Well, I brought the offensive fish back to them, telling the guy at the seafood counter that it was way overdue, and he proceeded to bark at me "you buy, you go!!!"  So I dropped the nasty thing in the middle of their floor and left, never to return.  Now I go to Little Saigon Market in the Far East Center when I need an Asian market. I am still cautious of the meat/seafood there though.  BUT....

When I want top quality seafood in a landlocked state, I head to Lakewood to Tom's Seafood.  They are located on Xenon, near Alameda and Union.  Actually I should say "He is located..." since its basically just Tom Butler there.  Tom knows everything there is to know about seafood and is happy to discuss it with you.  His seafood is impeccable because he flies it in every other day.  I have had the fresh Grouper, Albacore Tuna and Ahi, along with his shrimp, scallops and mussels.  The scallops are buttery, sweet and amazing.  And the mussels are also wonderful while being only about a buck more per pound than the ones at Kings Sooper.  Here is a pic of one of the shrimp I picked up the other day.  They were HUGE!!

These shrimp were flavorful and delicious and made amazing tacos.  With pineapple corn salsa and fresh tortillas, mmmm......  They also have aged Ribeye steaks, Lox/smoked salmon and really good bacon.  If you are looking for primo seafood in Denver, hit Tom's.

I have a new favorite beer.  I love micro-brews, imports and good beer in general.  But my new fave is Boulder Shake Chocolate Porter.  I love porter and I love chocolate, so this is a natural.  It actually smells more like chocolate than tastes like it.  That aroma that hits you just as you take a swallow is perfect.  So far I have only found it in bomber bottles.  But I tell ya, if they made it in 6-packs, I would probably be buying it in cases!

We have a great little veggie/fruit stand right over here on Federal too, south of 285.  Forte Farms sells peaches, tomatoes, potatoes, plums and other produce, as well as local honey and salsas.  I spent around $20 the other day and came out with all this.  Some of the peaches were as big as softballs!  And sweet as sugar:

So keep eating well, looking fly and keep those lines tight!  And if there are any East Coasters reading this, can you please explain the appeal of Blue Crab to me?   Seriously, I want to know!                                                                         

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