Sunday, September 21, 2014

Rawah, Ribs and a Road Trip....

So the Hubbs and I took a little road trip yesterday.  we headed up to Northern Colorado, practically to Wyoming.  We had already talked about fishing or taking a drive, and I needed to go up to Rawah Ranch, so we made a day of it.  The ranch is an Orvis-endorsed guest ranch that I just started guiding.  The property is GORGEOUS and there's a ton of water around there to fish.  There are horses, dogs everywhere and even mini-donkeys running around!  Sometimes the guests wake up and there are donkeys on the porch to greet them!  (They are friendly)  The fall colors are really amazing up there right now.  Here is a pic of one of my clients while I was up there.  We called them "The Texans".  There were really great!  I will be doing some trips with this man and his wife next season.  The Texans were a hoot to fish with!

Fishing was a little tough that first weekend I was up at Rawah, since the water was extremely low and clear.  The fishing wasn't just a "gimme", we had to work for them.  But doesn't that make it all the more rewarding?  All in all, lots of fish were caught, and all my clients for that week and a half had a great time.  I mentioned the variety of fishing around there: you can fish for ones like the above pic on the Big Laramie Ranch water, take horses upstream and fish for smaller fish on light rods with a dry/dropper (I LOVE that stuff), there's 6 miles of water downstream that we lease which is available, along with the Hohnholz Lakes, and we even hike up to Lake Agnes to fish/guide for cutthroats!  Plus the Poudre Canyon is near.  So the variety of water is really special.

The drive was great, relaxing, and as I said the fall colors were amazing.  There is a ton of National Forest camping around there, so we pulled into a spot and let the dog run around.  There was a deer standing RIGHT THERE where we pulled up, and Murphy LEAPT out of the car to chase him.  Fortunately he came back when I called him!  That's a good boy!!!  (Wasn't sure if that would actually happen!) Here's some pics of the area. (When I get better at this I will post some fall color pics):

On the way home, the hubbs and I stopped at a bbq joint called Moe's.  A friend of mine's brother works there, we didn't feel like cooking after that long drive, and I was beginning to get some of my migraine/fibromyalgia symptoms, so ok, let's get some bbq.  Here is my review:

I got ribs and the hubbs got a pulled pork sammich. And there were some sides:  baked beans, cole slaw, banana pudding, potato salad.  The ribs were great!  Tender, flavorful and slightly smokey.  Unfortunately the sauce was really spicy and overpowered the ribs.  I like a little kick, "medium", but not really into "hot" .  To me it can be overpowering to the point where all I taste/feel is the spiciness. So for me, they were actually better without the sauce.  Hubbs said his pulled pork sammich was just ok, nothing special.  And he was quite displeased with the pickle on there.  He hates pickles and said when he usually gets bbq (the pulled pork sammich is his standard order) he isn't EVER given pickles.  So there were the pickles.....aaaarrrggghghghhhh the pickles!  I got to hear about the pickles a couple times.  And again just now when I started writing this......

The banana pudding was pretty good, but nothing special as well.  It had one sad little Nilla Wafer sitting on top, that I suspect may have been there a while.  When I went to take it off and pop it in my mouth?  Well, half of the cookie was still stuck to the surface of the pudding.  Ok.  The baked beans were pretty good per the Hubbs, as was the potato salad.  But my cole slaw?  I think they may have forgot a couple of ingredients.  This was basically shredded green cabbage and vinegar.  No purple cabbage, no carrots, no mayo, no sugar....just really vinagery, sour cabbage.  Now I know how to make cole slaw, and that ain't it!  So there you have it.  Great ribs, questionable on everything else.  If I was in the neighborhood and wanted some ribs, I would definitely pick up a slab, but would probably not make a special trip to get them.

So all in all it was a pretty nice day.  Can't really say the same about the next day because of the fibro, but what can you do?  We live once, and you have to get out there!  Colorado is just too beautiful and amazing not to!  Still trying to look good, eat well and keep my lines tight!  Kell

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