Friday, September 19, 2014

Hello there!

well everyone else has a blog, so i guess i had better get one too!.  my name is kellie keenan-heatherly and im a fly fishing guide in colorado.  i grew up in northern california, where my love of fishing and the outdoors began.  my family still lives there, and i get out there as much as possible.  but colorado is now my home and has been for about 12 years.  i live here with my wonderful husband, my two cats and my weimaraner murphy.  i have a 23 year old son who lives in california, although he lived out here in denver with us for a while.  i absolutely love it here, and am blessed to be able to make a living here in these lovely surroundings.

when i moved to denver,  i didnt know if i would be able to find the type of food i was used to in northern california.  you know, taco trucks, hole-in-the-wall noodle houses and indian buffets.  boy was i wrong!  so some of this blog will about my culinary journey through a city which actually has quite a bounty to sample!  i live off of south federal in south denver/englewood, so those of you from big D (not dallas) will understand what i mean.  south federal is about equal parts latino and asian as far as the restaurants and markets in the area. and i plan to hit them all!  and then we have aurora, out past east denver, where one can find korean, middle eastern and ethiopian joints as well. so i have my work cut out for me.  i also love to cook and have been told im pretty good at it, so there may be recipes coming.  well, sort-of recipes.  i dont really use recipes so when someone asks me for my recipe for, say, marinara, i have a hard time writing down measurements.  i just start throwing stuff in there and see how it tastes a lot of the time.  but i will give it my best.  anything i tell you about ive made?  feel free to ask for the "recipe" and i will do what i can.

as far as fly fishing, thats my life.  thats my love.  i do it for a living.  i do it when im not working.  i do it as often as possible, and when im not doing it, im thinking about it.  or im tying flies.  or im looking at peoples fishing pics on facebook, or im watching youtube vids of fly fishing.  those of you reading this who also have this obsession will know what i mean.  so a good portion of this blog will of course be about fly fishing.  as i write this intro to my new blog, i am thinking about what im going to put on my husbands rig for hitting the big thompson tomorrow, and if i need to go and tie a few more black rs2s just in case there are still tricos around.  (tricos are small, dark mayflies for those who dont fish)  so look forward to fishing reports/stories/pics.

fashion?  in denver?  interesting.  now im not some sort of fashionista who can drop $1200 for a purse just like that.  hey, if im even going to drop $250 for a purse, it better be a dang good one.  but i do like to look good and i am good at finding deals.  i love shoes, i love purses, i love coats.  fall/winter is a-coming, which to someone into fashion means more accessories:  boots, hats, scarves, coats....  so a part of this will be about my search for deals, how to do the latest looks at lower prices, and my own general fabulousness.  the first part of this paragraph?  fashion in denver?  i have to admit, it makes me sad to go out to dinner and see people in plastic shoes and sweats.  no one dresses up any more!  i get being comfortable.....i get it.  but....

i am a female fly fishing guide in a male-dominated industry.  my dad wanted a son and he had two daughters.  so im a bit of a tomboy:  i love football and baseball, obviously i love fly fishing and the outdoors, i knew how to pull crab nets into a boat from the time i was a little girl.  but im also very girly.  i love pink.  i wear high heels and cute dresses as often as possible.  and i get ribbed for it.  while everyone else in the room is wearing t shirts/fishing shirts and jeans, i try to dress up. and then im like the elephant in the room.  back in the day people got dressed up when they went out to dinner, a movie, whatever.  not anymore.  well dammit, im not going to give up my heels for anyone!!  so theres that....ok i fear i may have said too much.

well there it is.  my intro to my blog.  hopefully people will read it and find it interesting enough to continue! tomorrow (9/20/14) i plan to do something.  im the vice president of a club called colorado women flyfishers. they are having their last club trip for the season in the estes park area.  so we might drive on up there and fish.  i also need to go up to rawah ranch and take care of some business, which is also up in that area.  this ranch is amazing, and i will tell you all about it in another post.  anyway, if we go out  i will check in tomorrow with the report, and if we get anything interesting to munch on the way home, i will throw that in there too.  remember, life is too short to eat crappy food.  and life is way too short not to fish!   looking good, eating well and keeping those lines tight!

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